I decided to go back to basics and reexamine myself as to what I believe and why I believe it. I, just like many Christians, will state emphatically that “I believe what the bible says no matter what!” Yet, I actually began to remember things that I have believed in or not believed in based on what I was taught to believe. Some of these things I remember now were uncomfortable for me coz they were not that cut and dried in the Bible as they were taught to me. So when this happened, I buried them in my mind and tried not to talk about them.
Shocked At Bible Twisting!
It is only in the past couple of months that I have noticed, and been shocked at just how far "men" will go, to twist bible scriptures to the point that its no longer recognizable. And in this case, The Nephilim Giants Of The Bible, men are terribly twisting many parts of the old andnew testaments just to avoid Gen 6:1-4. I have witnessed men changing what many passages of scripture “means” because they refuse to believe what Gen 6:1-4 “says”!
I am seeing more and more as time goes by just how much of the bible we cannot believe or understand simply because of ‘Refusing To Believe’ that the Sons Of God Gen 6 are Angels who went bad.
Recapping My Re-exploring of Nephilim Giants Beliefs
Again, it was less than two years ago that I began re-exploring the Nephilim Giants Of The Bible. This is when I learned that the word “Nephilim” is often used. Then when I realized that my beliefs at that time might be wrong, I shut the world out so that I could study and learn on my own without any influence by anyone else...just me and God so to speak. It took about a year or so for me to gain enough strength to officially change my beliefs to the popularly termed “Angel View”.It was only a few months ago, after being very secure in this new and clearer sight, that I began searching for what others believe about it... I mean, how many believe this way or that way or even other ways etc. For some reason, only in the past month or two at the most, that I have been seeing absolutely terrible (in my opinion) Twisting of Bible verses and entire passages, changing the meanings instead of accepting what they say because otherwise they do not fit! For example, the passages in the book of Job that speak of the sons of God has always been referring to Angels. But now these verses are being changed so that “sons of God” means humans instead of Angels or other Heavenly / Divine beings! OMG!
Beliefs By EGO and Pride or God?
This has been so terribly blatant that it hurts even me! Imagine how God must feel watching men butcher His word just to fit their own beliefs which are driven by the way, by the EGO, Pride! And how does God feel about “Pride!?” Well, Pride is what Satan’s problem was / is. So, nuff said on that.Therefore it was less than one month ago that I decided for myself to take the advice of Rom 3:4, "....let God be true and every man a liar..." I will read and decide for myself. Just as I was doing several months ago. I will no longer trust any man to tell me the truth coz they are ALL on an EGO trip! A believers Club! I will not participate no matter how many may scoff and call me a heretic.
(NOTE: This is only my own personal opinion based on my own personal experience and research. I could be wrong)
[I will probably continue and insert a "Click here for Part-X" link here at the bottom...potentially making a series, as this will be only an introduction, but then I need to write post(s) backing up my views with bible scripture]
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