Once or twice I’ve wondered why a Christian would have any interest in learning about the occult. Then one day not too long ago I began studying Pre-Flood History. To my surprise this led into pagan gods which led into the occult and then symbolism and it all seemed to tie in together with end times prophecy.
Now I know why it could be beneficial for christian to learn about the occult, not too much of course. If anyone feels it necessary to think and/or say that there is something wrong with the Christian who is learning about the occult (assuming of course they are not learning it in order to partake in it) as I once did also, I’d like say I no longer think that's a terrible thing.
Studying more and more about the Nephilim Giants in the Bible has resulted in indirectly learning how ancient pagan gods and religions infiltrated the lives and customs of Godly people in the past and still yet even today... Satan has infiltrated ALL of main stream Christianity, big time!
The only way I could have known that Satan has infiltrated and is influencing Christianity is by knowing about ancient gods, their belief systems, practices, rituals, symbolism and all that stuff that goes along with it. Once these things are known and understood it is easy to see it...and I'm just a beginner and just now learning this stuff!!
I do not claim to know it all or even most of it. I have learned enough to recognize a lot of it as easily as knowing the difference between a foot and a hand.
This post is a rough draft and will be updated and improved upon later.
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