
Nephilim Study Random Notes

 Who are the Sons Of God and the sons of men in Genesis 6?

Fallen Angels?
(direct creation of God, not born of mankind)


Sons Of Seth?
(born of mankind, sons of men)


Sons Of Cain?
(born of mankind, sons of men)


None of the above. If so then...
(what else could this mean?)

The sons of Seth interpretation appeared about 400 AD and was the first dispute to the angel view that a majority of both Jews and Christians had held prior to that time.


Roman Catholic Church Changed Origin Of The Nephilim Giants to The Sethite View

The theory that the sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4 were the line of Seth, was first recorded in the 1st century A.D., but didn't get any traction until the 3rd century A.D.  This alone is cause for alarm! In fact, so many people rejected it that the Catholic Church had to declare it heresy under penalty of death to those who teach the angel theory. I am finding that the reasons (and timing) of the Church forcing this change was because Christianity was being attacked by ____ and ____ who used the Angel view to successfully embarrass the Christian Church. AND it was also about this same time period that the Church began Celibacy for the priests. The fact that even some Angels apparently could not abstain would look arrogant and / or create difficulties (political?) for the Churches position on Celibacy.

Worthy Of Note: I find it strange that some Pentecostal Holiness type Churches are eager to tell the whole world that the Catholic Church, at the Nicene Council changed the formula of water baptism from Jesus Name to the Trinity, while at the same time,  the "Fact" that the Catholic Church changed the view of the origin of the Giants is of no concern. Not to mention that the original "doctrine" was the angel view no matter who changed it should not even matter. Unless we are smarter than the early church (pre-Roman) I suppose.


Why Is Ancient Scripture - The Bible So Hard To Understand?

I can think of only a very few reasons to be a cause of a given bible topic needing to be dissected, picked apart word by painful word and scrutinized analyzed then put back together again just to understand what it says. Yes, we can take a single paragraph sized scripture verse and rewrite it to be 8000 words long. Or did I mean to say 8000 miles long? WHY DO WE DO THAT!?

Gods word should be simple enough to understand!

Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe we should be able to read the bible and without much stress and or brain frying effort, we should know what it is saying. Maybe I'm wrong but the only possible exception would be when God Clearly intends for it to be understood for only a certain group and or a certain time. Even this again, seems simple to understand. Maybe I missed a detail or two but, is this making sense to you? with me so far?

Well, it is painfully obvious that something is wrong somewhere coz us humans down here on earth are reading Gods Holy Scripture and somehow we end up making it as complicated as a human being can possibly make while still yet saving enough paper in the world to print money on. Oh, and toilet paper! No?

Help me think of possible reasons this is happening:

1: God did it on purpose...
(lets not waste time speculating on reasons for this one. Agreed?)

2: Lost In Translation...
(The original scriptures actually were (are) simple and easy to understand, but we don't have those any longer and the translations and copies became confusing over time....)

3: It actually is easy to understand (or at least - if even most of it), but we make it confusing knowingly or not.
 (because we don't like what we are hearing so we twist the scripture to bend to what we want to believe)

4: Something Else

In my opinion, number 1 is not it...
Number 2 makes more sense than #1, but I'm not entirely sure. You?
Number 3 I believe is true even if the more accurate reason is one of the above or, "something else".

Do you think it's Lost in Translation, Humans are making it complicated coz they don't like what they hear? (or something like that?), or something else? or a combination?

Please comment and join in on this question! To me, there really is no wrong answer coz the question is "what do you think" the reason(s) could possibly be? See? No trick questions for the purpose of embarrassing someone.

This is only fast, free writing "Random Notes" to potentially use as a real blog post in the future. Perfect structure grammar and speling (hehehe) were not a concern ... much.


The Sons of God = The Line Of Seth?

This is kind of confusing when I think about it with an unbiased, empty / clear mind.

The "What":

Ok, so...The Sons Of God (the righteous who loved and followed their responsibility to God) married the Daughters of Men (the sinful who forgot God and cared for their own desires and no concern for God). And this ungodly union was the cause of the sinfulness of man to be so so bad that God had to destroy all flesh, including the animals who were innocent.

The "WHO and HOW"

The Good Guys "Took" wives of all that they (The Good Guys) "Chose". They "Took" and they "Chose". There is no contention that the Good guys did the doing and not the "Bad Guys" doing the doing (I think)

The bad guys or at least, the Daughters of the bad Guys did nothing wrong at least that had anything to do with such sin that all flesh had to be destroyed. This line of thinking seems to be confusing to keep track of who is the victim and who is the "bad guys", but maybe it's just me! Maybe I'm being silly?

But wait, there's more...


The "WHY" 

 The scripture says, "they saw that the Daughters of men, that they were fair", meaning pretty (there were no pretty Daughters of the sons of God? I'm just saying). And also the common implication is, "lust-desire". And so they gave into their lust and married them.


Ok sooo.... it was the "Good Guys" that did bad and or caused the worse thing that ever happened on earth. Wait...wait... why is it again that they were called the Righteous Sons Of God? I must have forgot, or did I miss it? And I can't remember what bad things were the bad guys guilty of doing...or have we not covered that part yet? Ugh! Is this going in circles? :(

Dear God; If I am being wrong in my thinking please forgive me and show me why I am using an illogical rationale as this seems to me to be making a mockery of you. Is this an unintended mockery? And further more, it seems only to be after Jesus that the power to become the sons of God was given by Jesus and only to those who believe on his name, Jesus. And so If men could become the sons of God before and without Jesus then the sacrifice and blood of Jesus Christ was ...well...what then!?! This seems to be an over-shooting of the power of the same of Jesus and his sacrifice. Am I wrong in seeing it this way? Please do not allow me to make such a mistake as to have a backwards thus potentially dangerous way of thinking. Although this topic is not "Directly" related to my salvation, my backward, opposite to sensible thought process and reasoning, would then almost definitely cause me to see things wrongly that ARE directly related to my salvation and well being. Please God I pray, Don't allow me to make such a mistake! I will continue in the direction that I "believe" you have set me on. But if I am wrong and this is NOT you, then stop me! Please don't let me continue! This I pray!


More chicken scratch notes

The educational system of the west, especially America, is owned and operated by the Luciferian movement for lack of better term.

This especially includes Colleges and universities.

This in turn also includes Seminaries.

Knowing this (and it is true, see it now or see it later), one can expect to get at least some absolute false teaching from seminaries. The only question is how much and how bad.

I cannot believe the far out stretching twisting of scripture that is being done with a straight face, in order to believe the Sethite view of the origin of the Giants. As a student of marketing and Psychology of persuasion, there are only so many ways, if not only one way, that these severely twisted distorted views of scripture can be believed. The only way to make someone believe what is something that is clearly incorrect if not a flat out lie is they are told by someone who they know, like, trust and or by someone who is viewed as an authority, which goes back to trust.

So, the seminaries (and the like) teach our pastors who believe what they are being taught because afterall, they are THE authority on the matter. The pastors in turn teach their congregations who also will likely believe them because the pastor to them is all the above! Know, Like, Trust and the authority.
